Five Birds in a Cage

Five Birds in a Cage

Gertrude Jennings

Five Birds in a Cage

Five Birds in a Cage

Gertrude Jennings


The sudden stoppage of a life on the Underground causes the temporary imprisonment of its passengers, including a Duchess and a Lord, a bricklayer, and a dressmaker's assistant. At length the bricklayer opens the gate and descends the shaft, with the result that the lift is lowered by pulleys. Meanwhile the bricklayer has successfully wooed the pretty dressmaker, whose terror at the thought of being late with the costume she is taking home is modified by the fact that the dress is intended for the Duchess herself. 

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  • Genre: Farce
  • Time Period: 1900-1910
  • Target Audience: Adult, Senior, Teen (Age 14 - 18)



Gertrude Jennings