Sad Hotel

Sad Hotel

Sad Hotel

Sad Hotel

Sad Hotel


Set in a house on the Florida coast in the early sixties, this is a fictionalized account of a famous playwright's relationship with his male lover. The play traces the dissolution of a fifteen-year relationship under pressures of fame, failure and addiction. Trapped between a choice of love or loneliness, and the extremes of desire and betrayal, the characters test the limitations of human contact. Yet in the face of final loss, they struggle towards reconciliation, forgiveness and a kind of peace.

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  • Genre: Period
  • Time Period: 1960s


David Foley

David Foley's thriller Deadly Murder has been translated into French, Italian, German, Czech, Greek, and Russian and has been produced across the United States, Europe, and the UK. It was nominated for a 2008 Edgar Award after it premiered at the first International Mystery W ...
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