Temptation Sordid or Virtue Rewarded

Temptation Sordid or Virtue Rewarded

Winifred Phelps

Temptation Sordid or Virtue Rewarded

Temptation Sordid or Virtue Rewarded

Winifred Phelps


Sir Jasper, of the black heart, is out to win Lady Lucre's fortune by marrying lovely Arabella. Clarence, of the pure heart, is out to thwart him and also win Arabella. Through valleys of iniquity they all travel, the journey being enlivened by the wiles of the voluptuous Fanny, who of course aids and abets Sir Jasper. Virtue is triumphant at the last and Clarence and Arabella are united over the dead bodies of their enemies.

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Winifred Phelps