Night Errant

Night Errant

Georges Feydeau, Michael Pilch

Night Errant

Night Errant

Georges Feydeau, Michael Pilch


A farcical comedy set in 1910. Lucien arrives home in the early hours dressed as Louis XIV. His late arrival and enraptured account of the ball invites the wrath of Yvonne, his wife and it isn't long before the maid, suffering with flu, and the bumbling, elderly manservant are dragged into the argument.

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  • Genre: Period
  • Time Period: 1900-1910


Georges Feydeau

Georges Feydeau (1862-1921) was born in France to a well-known Parisian writer. He was influenced from a young age by prominent farcical authors such as Eugène Labiche and Henri Meilhac. His first significant international success, The Lady from Maxim's (La Dame de chez Maxim ...
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Michael Pilch