Three Judgements in One

Three Judgements in One

Three Judgements in One

Pedro Calderon de la Barca, Gwynne Edwards

Three Judgements in One

Three Judgements in One

Pedro Calderon de la Barca, Gwynne Edwards


Mendo, the King's ambassador, is captured by a group of outlaws. Spared his life by the leader, Lope, Mendo offers to obtain Lope's pardon and effects a reconciliation between Lope and his father. A love rivalry and tensions with his father lead to Lope fleeing: Mendo, now Chief Justice to the King, arrests him. In the accumulating darkness of the final act the central characters ponder on their individual contributions to Lope's death.

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  • Genre: Period
  • Time Period: 17th Century
  • Cast Attributes: Room for Extras



Pedro Calderon de la Barca


Gwynne Edwards