Plays: 'The Samson Riddle' , 'The Hebrew Lesson' , 'The Bespoke Overcoat' , 'It Should Happen to a Dog' , 'The Mighty Hunter'

Plays: 'The Samson Riddle' , 'The Hebrew Lesson' , 'The Bespoke Overcoat' , 'It Should Happen to a Dog' , 'The Mighty Hunter'

Plays: 'The Samson Riddle' , 'The Hebrew Lesson' , 'The Bespoke Overcoat' , 'It Should Happen to a Dog' , 'The Mighty Hunter'

Wolf Mankowitz

Plays: 'The Samson Riddle' , 'The Hebrew Lesson' , 'The Bespoke Overcoat' , 'It Should Happen to a Dog' , 'The Mighty Hunter'

Plays: 'The Samson Riddle' , 'The Hebrew Lesson' , 'The Bespoke Overcoat' , 'It Should Happen to a Dog' , 'The Mighty Hunter'

Wolf Mankowitz


Contains five plays by the British-born Jewish playwright and author, Wolf Mankowitz.

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  • Genre: Period, Faith-based
  • Cast Attributes: Flexible cast size



Wolf Mankowitz