Smut's Saga, or Santa and the Vikings

Smut's Saga, or Santa and the Vikings

Smut's Saga, or Santa and the Vikings

Smut's Saga, or Santa and the Vikings

Smut's Saga, or Santa and the Vikings


Panto Viking fun. Nordic myth runs riot: valkyries, trolls, dwarves - and Father Christmas!

Long centuries divide the epic Norse saga from traditional pantomime, but the two genres share some similarities. Both are ritual entertainments in which time-honoured tales of derring-do, featuring a habitual cast of larger than life characters, are performed to delight a deeply involved audience.

This is an epic Norse saga set in a land of icy fjords and cold, grey seas. A tale of longships and trolls, Valkyries and Valhalla – but incorporating all the essential ingredients of traditional panto. Boundless audience participation, corny double-entendres, ingenious special effects, men dressed up as women, women dressed up as men. And all with the added bonus of a new story set against the vivid backdrop of Norse tradition – with no opportunity missed to exploit every Viking gag imaginable!

Wicked Viking Jarl, Smut the Smug, crosses the northern sea to ravage the coast of England, only to encounter rival Viking, Svein, Prince of the Blue Fjords, searching England for his Princess bride. The villain flees with no booty, except for three exceedingly naughty children, Tum, Dickon and Harald. But Smut is pursued back to his lair in Smutland by the children’s outraged and outrageous guardian, the indomitable Dame Dustpan, joined by Prince Svein, who agrees to help rescue the children in return for help tracking down his princess. But before they can complete their quest, our heroes have to outwit the monstrous Stoneheart, Lord of the Rock Trolls, and deal with Smut’s dotty but deadly accomplice, the witch, Helga Forkbeard.

Complete with mountains and fjords, dragonships, dwarves and giants, not to mention Santa Claus, the whole rich tapestry of Viking folklore is here. Skilfully blended with the enchantment, slapstick and audience participation of traditional pantomime. Enjoy yourselves with this script, and your audience will enjoy themselves too.

Provision is made in the script for the inclusion of seven musical numbers. Words and music for two original songs (‘Slushy Duet’ and audience participation number ‘Bash, Bash, Bash!’) are included with the script. More musical numbers could easily be incorporated.

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  • Genre: Fantasy, Adventure, Christmas/Holiday, Fables/Folktales, Period
  • Time Period: Medieval (6th-14th c.)
  • Cast Attributes: Expandable casting, Flexible cast size, Room for Extras
  • Target Audience: Appropriate for all audiences


Richard Lloyd

Richard Lloyd is a history graduate of Royal Holloway College, University of London. Richard has pursued a successful 25 year career in writing and marketing and is currently head of brand with a major FTSE 100 company. He is also a professional copywriter, author and playwri ...
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