Shakespeare Monologues for Men

Shakespeare Monologues for Men

Shakespeare Monologues for Men

Nick Hern Books

Shakespeare Monologues for Men

Shakespeare Monologues for Men

Nick Hern Books


These are the two new volumes in NHB's successful series of "Good Audition Guides".It is full of fresh speeches from Shakespeare's plays. It is ideal for actors of all ages and experience. It features uniquely formatted potted intros to each piece.Actors at every level - from school exam to professional casting - are called upon to perform one or more audition pieces, often one from Shakespeare's plays. A great deal will depend on their coming up with something fresh that is exactly suited both to the role they are auditioning for and to their particular performing skills. This is where "The Good Audition Guides" come in.Drawing on his experience as an acting and audition coach, Luke Dixon has selected fifty monologues for men and another fifty for women drawn from across the Shakespeare canon. Each is prefaced with an easy-to-use guide to Who is speaking, Where, When and To Whom, What has just happened in the play and What are the character's objectives. In fact, everything the actor needs to know before embarking on the audition!



Nick Hern Books